Pig Farm and Fisherman’s Hut – Gives 50 Food resources once built.Quarry – Gives 50 Stone resources when built.Sawmill – Gives 50 Wood resources when built.There are numerous buildings which appear in the game:.This is often an essential strategy when playing Hard difficulty! Doing this quickly will cause more to spawn later in the level. Tip!: Gather Clock Bonuses immediately when you find them.
In addition to Worker Bonuses, the Clock Bonus will freeze time temporarily when collected. A chime sound will occur when a Bonus becomes available on a level, so listen closely!. Ax – Temporarily increases the speed at which your Workers can both collect resources and clear obstructions. Hammer – Temporarily increases the speed at which your Workers can construct buildings. Magic Sack – Temporarily increases the amount of resources your Workers can collect. Speed Boots – Temporarily increases your Workers speed. There are numerous Bonuses available to your Workers:. Tasks cannot be stacked – you are required to have an available Worker before you can select a task. Workers are responsible for completing tasks, such as building bridges, clearing obstructions, or gathering resources. May be acquired from Bomb Merchants, Demolitionist Huts, and occasionally found out in the open. Bombs – Required to remove Huge Blockages. May be traded, gathered from deposits or Gold Mines. Gold – Necessary for completing several tasks. May be gathered from Blockages or Quarries. Stone – Necessary for completing missing sections of road, along with other tasks. May be gathered from trees, washed-up branches, or Sawmills. Wood – Necessary for completing several tasks and completing buildings. Food can be gathered from Berry Bushes, Mushrooms, Gardens, Pig Farms, or Fisherman’s Huts. Food – Necessary for completing several tasks. There are five types of resources in the game:. But don’t worry: re-selecting the previous difficulty will automatically resume your game progress on said difficulty. So if you’ve been playing the game up until Episode 2 on Easy, then switch to Relax, you will start Relax at Level 1 of Episode 1. Keep in mind that you can change the game’s difficult at any time, however your game progress is saved per difficulty.
Choose Relax if you’d rather play without a timer. The higher the difficulty, the more difficult it is to complete levels. When playing the game for the first time, you will be able to select your difficulty.Whether you’re just beginning your adventure or continuing from where you left off, the following section offers useful tips and tricks to help you along your journey. Roads of Rome New Generation Walkthrough.Our walkthrough contains tips and tricks for each level, as well as the locations of all secret hidden treasures. When a deadly earthquake hits and all but wipes the empire from the map, it’s up to you to aid Marcus in his quest to connect the kingdom once more. Restore the provinces of the great Roman empire in Roads of Rome New Generation.