Ham the Astrochimp was the first hominid in space!ħ5. Related: While you can’t really travel to the moon to make your footprints, you can certainly make prints and marks on Moon Sand.ħ4. Footprints on the Moon can last for 100 million years! Weird but true… It is nearly 2.5 times the Mount Everest’s height above sea level.ħ3. Olympus Mons is the tallest planetary mountain in the Solar system. The first living creatures intentionally sent into space were fruit flies!ħ1. Did you know one day on Venus is almost as long as 8 months on Earth?ħ0. A neutron star can spin 600 times in one second.Ħ8. Age of most of the stars is between 1 and 10 billion years old.Ħ9. It takes eight minutes and 19 seconds for light to travel from the Sun to Earth.Ħ7.
Related: Also check out Science Jokes for Kids that will totally crack your kids(and you!) up!Ħ6. It would take 70,000 years in the fastest spaceship to reach the Alpha Centauri! That’s how far it is! Venus is the only planet that spins clockwise!Ħ5. Did you know Panda droppings could be recycled into paper!Ħ4. Bats are the only mammals that can fly.ĥ0. Some hummingbirds can weigh less than a penny!Įnjoying these fun silly facts? Read on for more…Ĥ9. Cats can’t taste anything that is sweet.Ĥ8. Sea Lions are the only animals that can clap to a beat.Ĥ7. Uncover more ridiculously funny facts about animal’s sleep patterns.Ĥ6. Snails take the longest naps with some lasting as long as three years. A fox uses its tail to communicate with other foxes.Ĥ5. Nearly 10 percent of all of a cat’s bones are in its tail.Ĥ4. Weird but true – Cat urine glows under a black light!Ĥ3. Squid, Octopus, Horseshoe crabs have blue blood!!Ĥ2. Learn more amazing, unbelievable but true facts about Sharks here. Did you know Shark does not have bones? Instead its skeleton is made of cartilage. Did you know Elephants are the only animals that can’t jump!ģ9. Dogs can smell nearly 100,000 times better than humans!!ģ8. Weird but true – Only male toads croak!ģ6. Every dog’s nose print is unique – much like a human fingerprint!ģ5. A pet hamster can run up to 6 miles a night on a wheel.ģ4. Did you know an ostrich’s brain is smaller than it’s eye!!ģ3. It’s physically impossible for pigs to look up into the sky…weird but true!ģ2. Dogs can hear 10 times better than humans!ģ1.

A crocodile cannot stick its tongue out!ģ0. The female hummingbird builds the world’s smallest bird’s nest – about the size of a walnut!Ģ9. Did you know Monkeys can go bald in old age, just like humans?!Ģ8. Believe it or not, Caterpillars have 12 eyes!!Ģ7. Weird but true – Horses and cows can sleep lightly while standing up!Ģ6. Learn more random facts about Bees here!Ģ5. Bees are found everywhere in the world except Antarctica. A prawn’s heart is located at the bottom of its head!Ģ4. Cows can walk up the stairs by themselves but can’t get down without help!Ģ3. A male Ostrich can roar like a Lion! Weird but true…Ģ1. Weird but true – Cockroaches have white blood!ġ9. A chameleon’s tongue is at least as long as its body.ġ8. All earthworms have both male and female parts.ġ7. Did you know some salamanders can regrow their tails, legs and even parts of their eyes!!ġ5. Cockroaches can live for a week without their heads!ġ4. A hippo’s lips are nearly two feet wide.ġ3. Insects have inhabited the Earth for about 350 million years while humans have been here for only 300,000 years.ġ1. Octopuses have blue blood and nine brains!ġ0. Did you know a hippopotamus can run faster than a man?ĩ. Strange and funny right? What’s also funny is our epic collection of 200+ Knock Knock Jokes for Kids. An avalanche can travel upto the speed of 80 mph! Fun Facts About Animals The fastest recorded raindrop travelled at the speed of 18 mph!ĥ. Did you know that you can estimate the temperature of a place by the number of times some crickets chirp in a second? Weird but true!!Ħ. A bolt of lightning is five times hotter than the sun!!Ĥ. Clouds look white because they are reflecting sunlight from above them.ģ. Did you know there are nearly 2,000 thunderstorms on Earth every minute?Ģ. History Fun Facts Weird Facts About Weatherġ. What’s more, you can make cool trivia questions out of these weird but true, fun facts ideas for a fun family night!ħ. To sate your and their thirst for amazing facts, we have rounded up some amazing fun facts for kids that will bemuse them (and you!). They are always eager to learn interesting facts (or mind bending fun riddles!) to share among friends and family. Kids love fun facts! So much that they remember them long after and take great pride at bragging about them in trivia question sessions.